Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Acapulco Thing....

So we lost Acapulco...   I personally enjoyed their Sunday Brunch very much... it was a lively colorful atmosphere, and the food was not like other Sunday brunches in town...and it was good... very good...  the tortillas made right there, the sweet corn tamales, the salads with interesting dressings, the meat dishes, the fresh fruits, the huge containers of orange juice and horchata, and the dessert table...ohhhhhh the dessert table, with its mini mousses and flan and wonderful cookies and warm churros...  sigh...     there was also a sentimental aspect to this place,  it was where my love sang to me, in public, in front of my friends..  2 songs in particular,  Elvis's Can't Help Falling in Love (our first dance song for our wedding), and Elton John's Your Song (which I'd always wished someone would sing to me).    Double sigh..

Fresno loses a lot of chains, not that the chains necessarily close down elsewhere, just here..  which is funny considering  Fresno's love affair with chains..    We've lost Claim Jumper, Grandy's , Hot n Now, Krispy Kreme , and now Acapulco.   Yes, I know, I've complained about chains and now I'm complaining about losing them...   (I particularly miss Grandy's, H & N, and Krispy Kreme).  Not all chains are bad, some of them have some really nummy stuff,  I'd prefer to eat (and have Fresnans eat) at local mom and pop establishments..but sometimes you just get that craving in the middle of winter for a hot, freshly baked, off the line, glazed donut (and don't wanna wake up at the butt crack of dawn to get it).    

I understand the restaurant biz is fickle, and 80 percent of restaurants fail in their first year...   and we've lost local places too... ( I really miss Goodbody's. and long standing chains fail for lots of reasons..   maybe I just hate saying goodbye to places where I have fond memories..   new restaurants will come in, chain or not, and they will be good (or not), and more will go...  I guess its like the ebb and flow of life itself.. something we all have to get used to.

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